Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Turanganui 2019 Photo

Base Gaddum, Mill and Ensor all together for our Turanganui Hub photo!

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Mayor Meng Foon's visit

Yesterday we were visited by our Mayor Meng Foon.

He talked about his earlier life and Gisborne's local history. His parents were immigrants to NZ.

He's the only Maori speaking Mayor in New Zealand. He was interviewed on tv about this.

He is serving his 18th (and last) term as Gisborne's Mayor. He also explained the Te Ha festival.

Gisborne Mayor Meng Foon's Visit

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Nga mihi to our Mayor Meng Foon for sharing his whakapapa, his history, his stories and what the future holds for our tamariki.

A fantastic insight into the journey taken by our ancestors to Turanganui a kiwa, the amazing navigation skills used so long ago, the pre arrival of Cook, the changes to what we now call Gisborne and what the immediate future holds.
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A wonderful opportunity for our kids to ask some great questions around our Early Settlers unit and being able to make those links to their learning. Today you were great ambassadors for Gisint, Turanganui and yourselves.

We know you made a great impression on the Mayor and on us. 

Ka Mau te Wehi....Awesome!

Wednesday, 15 May 2019


Yesterday Mrs Torrie came to our class and introduced us to screencastify. Screencastify is a app that takes a video of you talking about your work and people can listen to it and read it with you. We made one ourselves about a famous New Zealander. we made a poster on google slides and videoed ourselves explaining what we wrote down and what it is. Screencastify is very helpful for school work and you can even use it for your own work. Screencastify doesn't take long ether and not hard to do. It gives you a video of how to use it then you can try it yourself.

Tupapa Walkway Sites

Today we were lucky to be able to go along a Tupapa Walkway Sites. LH8 walked to the beach and examined the Captain Cook statue while learning about our local history. As well as using the knowledge that we learnt to create a piece of writing describing the European's or the Maori's perspective, as the Endeavour entered the bay.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Year 8 Student of the Week

Today’s recipient of the Year 8 Student of the Week is a humble and motivated learner. He has consistently shown leadership in Turanganui and is well respected by his peers. Others look up to him, as he is consistent and always lives by the values we strive towards. Harrison is a kind student, who always has time for everyone. His helpful nature is really appreciated by his three teachers. Congratulations Harrison, you are super deserving of this amazing recognition.
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